For no apparent reason whatsoever, my brain, since a very early age, has been wired see a mustache and run. I automatically think Mustache=Chester.
A fun story, I worked for a few years at a place where the comptroller, who I saw frequently, had a big, thick graying mustache. He also carried a giant, janitor-sized ring of keys attached to his belt, making every step jingle. The office where I worked was down a long, tiled, damp, poorly-lit hallway and as he would make his way to the office, I could hear his footsteps, and the jingle of his keys echo down the hall. It was truly more terrifying than any horror movie. And when he emerged with his bushy, graying mustache, I would have to suppress the urge to grab the fire extinguisher from the wall and use it as a weapon.
To be fair, the man was as nice as could be; but, mustaches have always freaked me out, even on people I know and love. (I'm thinking of an ex-boyfriend and his 70s porn-star 'stache phase that everyone thought was so awesome. *shudders* Not everyone, in fact very few people, can pull off a mustache. For example, Brad Pitt, commonly thought to be the sexiest man alive, rapidly becomes not so sexy:

Or Orlando Bloom, who attempts to pull off a Pitt-style copy cat, even down the the scarf:

Clearly, these are very unsuccessful 'staches. Or maybe it's the scarves.
On the other hand, my favorite celebrity mustaches:
Tom Selleck as Magnum, P.I.(if a scarf is necessary to a successful mustache, Selleck's chest hair could easily assume scarf duty):

Seriously, who can resist the dark, thick waves of hair (on the head or the chest!) combined with those gorgeous eyes? Not me.
Nick Offerman as Ron Swanson:

I think the picture says it all.
Jim Henson and Frank Oz as The Swedish Chef:

The bow-tie is a clever switch on the scarf.
(don't judge) ...
Alex Trebek (circa 1990)!

Why the internet had a picture of a shirtless Trebek, I do not know. But note how his mustache just takes center stage in that picture instead of trying to compliment Trebek's trademark Jeopardy! suits.
There is so much about this post that I love! I would like to submit Prince's 'stache a la the Purple Rain days as a favorite. And I must know what your thoughts are on the iconic Burt Reynolds 'stache.