Just kidding.
Well, not entirely. Today was kind of stressful because of work and school. I've been up since six o'clock this morning working on a stupid response paper that I started three days ago. In my head it all made sense, but trying to put it on paper was not working. And so the paper was late AND it was crap, which made me very angry at myself. And then I had forgotten about a piece of campus bureaucratic BS that I had to turn in today and so after turning in my paper immediately began working on that. And now I have to finish grading papers, and I have a feeling that will take me until at least 12:30 tonight (or this morning-- I worked 3rd shift for years and still can't get that straight) if not later. Plus, I have some in-class writing from Thursday I have to comment on.
I know I have no one to blame for this but myself. I totally should not have gone for those walks in the park this weekend.
Actually, yes, I should have. They made me feel really good. (My psychologist would be so proud right now. Ha!)
Anyway, with today's stress I finally took a break to decide what I wanted to eat. Well, what I wanted to eat was a hamburger...or a steak...or a philly cheesesteak. And I thought about it. And I salivated a little bit. And I got my car keys.
And I put my car keys down, got out the romaine lettuce from the refrigerator and made a Caesar salad with lots of croutons. And I ate the whole damn thing. And when I was done, I washed my dishes, put them away, and grabbed my car keys.
And then I put my car keys down, opened the freezer, took out a bag of frozen seasoned potato wedges and dumped some in a baking dish and prepared to make cheese fries.
Eating vegetarian does not always mean eating healthy. Hey, a potato is a vegetable, right?! But, at least I'm eating vegetarian. Everyone's gotta have a release, right?
If you don't understand my Liz Lemon reference, you must click here.

The first thing I craved in my 1.5 years as a vegetarian was steak, though red meat is the one thing I still haven't returned to (most of my meals are vegetarian without really thinking about it anymore). Now I try to eat as much local and organic as I can, and find a lot of times it tastes better anyhoo. I think I would eat a steak if I could be sure it was ethically farmed. I've become one of those kooky people who geeks out at the farmer's market, but at least I can say I have a hobby. :)