Monday, January 11, 2010

Pink: It's like red, but not quite

Have you heard of "My New Pink Button"? It's this dye for your lips. No, not those lips, your OTHER lips. Yup, that's right! It's like lipstick for your labia! You've been waiting all your life for a product like this, I know.

For the low price of 29.95 you can have your own jar of "My New Pink Button," the temporary dye that can "restore the youthful pink color back to your labia." Are you a Marilyn? An Audrey? What about a Bettie or a Ginger? Just apply and for 48-72 hours you can have that "fresh" look! And not to worry, "My New Pink Button" is FDA approved and can be used on nipples and penises!

Okay, but seriously--WHUT??!

Now I've heard that labia can change color. And sometimes the change is due to a more serious condition, in which case you should really talk to your doctor. But really? Are we all supposed to go walking around looking like we're in a state of constant arousal? (Don't answer that.) I'm not understanding this product at all. Pink labia=fresh, youthful labia? If your labia isn't bright pink, does that mean you won't be sexually satisfied? And I have so many questions! Will the color transfer? (Because don't we all have enough stains in our drawers?) Does it have a smell/taste? (Crossing fingers for bacon!)

Here's the thing: this feels like yet another product that only adds to the ignorance of what a real woman's body looks like, not to mention it perpetuates the shame and inadequacy some women feel about their sexual organs not being the "ideal." (And can I just say, I am so tired of women being reduced to, and having their worth tied to their sexual organs!) I know one of the selling points is that you can use it on dicks, but the product is marketed towards women, and the truth is women are told on a daily basis that they should fit some ridiculous ideal of what a woman is. Products like this, while they might mean well, aren't necessarily helping.

Look, we're all supposedly adults here. And as adults, I would think we would realize that genitals come in various shapes, sizes, colors, hairiness, and sometimes even scents, and all are perfectly NORMAL. As long as there are no problems, there is no reason anyone should be made to feel inadequate or "not so fresh" because of a slight variation. It's like snowflakes: no two are exactly alike.

1 comment:

  1. Woot! You tell 'em! The whole thing is absolutely ridiculous. And to be honest, I'm just wondering what person is thinking about color when they're down there...unless it's a gyno. Hmmm.
