Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Pack-Rat Arts and Crafts

Several years ago I got a subscription to Entertainment Weekly. When I moved out of my parents house I never bothered to change the address, so mom would just pile them up on my nightstand. Whenever I came home I'd throw the stack in a bag, thinking I'd get around to reading them. I never really did. Old habits really do die hard because I still let them pile up. Recently I was skimming through one from like, July (I mean, seriously--JULY? In the world of pop-culture and the internet, that is OLD. Like, I might as well be reading newspapers from 1923 on microfilm at the library.) and saw a review of mine and Luann's favorite guilty pleasure, Pretty Little Liars. Accompanying the review was a picture of Shay Mitchell, who plays Emily, who just so happens to be Luann's favorite. The picture was the perfect bookmark size, so I cut, glued it on a note card and adorned it.

I might have gotten a little overzealous with the glitter, (you can kind of see that the marker smeared a bit) but I wanted it to look like a collage that a teenager would make; covered in stickers and glitter and made with love on a boring afternoon.

The other side has a lyric from the theme song. The sticker in the right hand corner is a TV that says "TURN ME ON" underneath. (Totally unrelated, but for some reason that made me think of that Goldfrapp song "Oh La La." Probably because one of the lyrics is "turn me on.") Anyway, Luann seemed to like it, so MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Late Night Rants

As sent to the Professor via facebook message:

So I'm just flipping through the channels, looking for something dumb to watch before bed and "On the Road with Austin and Santino" caught my eye. Background: Austin and Santino are fashion designers that where once on Project Runway and now have their own show where they go to different towns and make a lucky someone a dress or whatever. This week they are making a wedding dress for a woman that had to have a quickie wedding before her boyfriend got shipped to Iraq, so now they are "going to have the wedding they never got to have."

Now, I know I'm not a wedding person, and a wedding might really mean something to this couple, and that's great. It's wonderful they have the time and resources to have not one, but two weddings. Especially considering the men making this woman's wedding dress are gay and therefore don't have the option to get married once, let alone twice. They might not even care; for all I know Austin and Santino aren't wedding people either. But it's just really bugging me! She said, "I just never thought I'd get to have my dream wedding" when she's already MARRIED. Why isn't being married to the person you love enough? I just...ugh. Whatever. I don't even know why I let it get to me.

Not to mention that Austin and Santino look like her little gay fairy godmothers, making sure Cinderella gets to the heteronormative ball.