Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I want some HAMM!

You've probably heard that Mad Men isn't coming back till sometime next year, and if you're like me, you're having withdrawal. But it's okay, because I declare today the day of Hamm in an effort to ease the pain. Let's celebrate, shall we?

Dear Diary: Sometimes when I look in Roger Sterling's eyes, I see my future. But how dreamy is that guy? Totes dreamy. Silver fox!

First up are some pictures of a deliciously scruffy Jon eating lunch with 30 Rock's own Jack McBrayer. Talk about some HAMMsome men! It's like two dreamboats in a...dreampod! There's even a puppy. And bacon. Tell me you're not DROOLING.

Next is a funny or die video featuring Mr. Hamm hanging out with a muppet-like yeti. Jon Hamm on a road trip with not only a muppet, but a yeti one? Who doesn't like cryptozoology? Be still, my heart! (Little known fact: the way to my heart is muppets. And any variety of dumpling.) And if you haven't watched his episode of "Between Two Ferns" go do it now.

Speaking of Jon Hamm and Zach Galifianakis, Jon "Honey Baked" Hamm apparently caressed Zach's belly at the White House Correspondents dinner. The New York Post is such a tease. Pics or it didn't happen, NYP! But thank you for that delightful mental image anyway.

Well, that's all I got. If you still feel like you need more Hamm, you can watch some Mad Men. (Duh.) Or 30 Rock. (Also duh.) Or maybe eat a ham sandwich, or perhaps some St. Louis BBQ, cause of how he's from St. Louis. Maybe do all four at once! You could also have sex with lots of female secretaries, smoke like a stack, drink like a fish, and then puke all over yourself while your co-worker pretends not to notice. The possibilities are endless! I personally plan to continue the celebration by writing some fan-fiction involving Jon, Jack, Zach, and the yeti.


  1. I now want some sort of breakfast from ihop. Fact.

  2. Slash fiction? I love that you end on that! You're such a tease.

  3. I love that you knew it was slash fiction I had in mind and not regular fan fic. Gotta leave 'em wanting more, know what I mean? ;)

  4. And what is it about the word "ham" that makes one want breakfast? Is it the bacon? The country ham biscuits? Pork: it's what's for breakfast.
