Tuesday, June 14, 2011

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bachmann

Last night marked the beginning of the new reality television series, Celebritics. The title of the pilot: "The New Hampshire GOP Presidential Debate." Seven hopefuls are competing to become the next political apprentice: Bachmann, Romney, Paul, Santorum, Pawlenty, Cain, and the Gingrich. Here are some highlights:
  • Democrats and liberals remain always wrong on everything
  • The Constitution argues for a theocracy
  • Conservative courts are viewed as a virtue and should be implemented everywhere
  • Michelle Bachmann has an ipod
  • Ron Paul prefers Blackberry to iPhone
  • Limited government, except in cases of anything having anything remotely to do with anything they themselves don't like
  • Nobama
  • Memory loss and tax cuts for the super rich are crucial to success for memory loss and the super rich
  • Say "Free Market" three times and paradise will appear in the mirror and, thus, in the world
Rinse and repeat.

Now, I found Michelle Bachmann's character fairly convincing as the less wacky version of herself. This only confirms my belief that children can behave in public. However, once the medication wears off, it's sociopath city. I'm crossing my fingers that the next episode will reflect as such.


  1. I've voting for Bachmann because I too have an ipod, and unlike Ron Paul I prefer the iphone.

    PSYCHE! I'm a lady liberal and therefore my vote doesn't count. Duh.

  2. Silly Stattles, women can't vote. They can run for president but can't vote.
