Saturday, September 10, 2011

10 Reasons Why the Original Clash of the Titans is Better Than the Remake

If only on a campy B-movie classic fantasy level.

1) Young Harry Hamlin

2) Professor McGonagall Maggie Smith 

3) Ray Harryhausen and his stop motion animation 

4) Mechanical owls

5) Andromeda's sparkly sacrificial Kraken outfit.  (Not pictured: her silver sandals) 

6) Zesus' heavenly party place 

7) Lack of 3-D

8)  Medusa's Cadbury Creme Egg filing

9) Kraken abs (Kraken hobbies: swimming, terrorizing, eating young maidens, cross stitch, working out)

10) This face (ACTING!)



  1. They should totally do a Medusa Egg for Halloween. For one, snakes lay eggs. Two, Medusa is a scary snake haired monster with red fondant blood. It just makes Halloween sense.
