Thursday, September 29, 2011

Deep Fried Ambassador

The other day I was over on facebook and saw that the NC State Fair is running a contest for the Deep Fried Ambassador to do some guest blogging.  As soon as I saw the post, I knew I had to enter.  Consider this my official entry into the contest to be the Deep Fried Ambassador for the NC State fair.

The NC State fair is one of my favorite events of the whole year.  In my mind, it's the official start to fall, which just so happens to be my most favorite season.  I love it so much that last year I went two nights in a row.  When the fair rolls around I immediately think of the fair scenes in Charlotte's Web, particularly the scenes from the animated movie where Templeton fantasizes about the food he will eat and when he actually runs around collecting, ingesting, and gleefully rolling around in scraps from the fair.  That image of Templeton encapsulates the fair for me: there are these little crumbs of joy (and sometimes bewilderment) to be found and enjoy. It's a smorgasbord of wonder that can leave you feeling elated or sick to your stomach. Or both.  And really, what's not to love?  The farm animals, the crafts, the pig races, the butter sculptures, the blue ribbon winning giant pumpkins, the midway and the rides, the freak shows, and of course, the FOOD.  I'm already drooling. 

One of the coolest things ever would be the chance to be the Deep Fried Ambassador and be a part of the Deep Fried Crew.  I would love the chance to be a part of the action and take a peek behind the curtain.  Why should I be picked to be this year's Ambassador?  Because I love to try new things and then share the experience with others.  If I'm picked, I hope to contribute some fun, witty blogs that share my love of the fair.  NC State Fair 2011, I can't wait to see you!

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